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How do I get free shipping?
How do I get free shipping?
Updated over a week ago

Free shipping.

If you're looking to score free shipping on selected fitness gear and apparel purchases over $150, please note that the availability of free shipping on specific products is subject to change, so be sure to check the terms and conditions before making a purchase.

Eligible products:

Browse through our wide range of fitness gear and apparel. While heavy items like racks, rigs, weights, and barbells aren't included, most other products qualify for free shipping.

Minimum Purchase: To unlock free shipping, make sure your total purchase of eligible items exceeds $150. This minimum spend threshold encourages you to add more to your cart while enjoying the benefit of free shipping.

Stay alert at checkout.

When you're ready to complete your purchase, carefully review the checkout page. Look for any indications or prompts regarding free shipping. If your order meets the requirements, the option for free shipping should be available.

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